Saturday, May 25, 2024

It makes me wonder when I, too, will be able to have something like that, to know, and to call my own.  When I will be able to have something that has stood the test of time in that way.  It doesn't matter how brilliant you shine, you'll never be able to compare to something that has proven itself over and over again.

Maybe I'm being too hard on myself -- there are things in my life, too, after all, which have proven themselves.  But I think it's a little different.

I feel at once humbled, and scared.  What if I'm never able to be like this?  To reach these grand heights that you already have seemed to reach?

Being left behind is never a good feeling, I guess, but there is a difference between simply being abandoned, and feeling like you are too slow and can't catch up.

Will you all expect me to go at your pace?  What happens if I can't?  I had to face that so many times in my past already.  They were all mean to me, when I could not go at their pace.  Am I also mean to others, when they don't go at mine?  And, what of you?

When I am lagging behind, will you still have patience for me?  When you are dawdling, will I still have patience for you?

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