Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Drifting No More

And there I stood, with tears in my eyes
thinking about everyone else who had drifted past

Until you gently took my hand
and pointed the way forward

But I can't leave, I said to you
This is my home.

What makes it your home?
And why did you decide to stay here?

This is the place that I have always been.
It's where everything important to me is.

But even as I said it, I already knew
that it was a lie.

Without meaning to, I had also drifted away
You, too, must have known this.

Come forward with me,
And you won't be lost anymore

But I won't know anything there
No one who cares about me will be there

That's not true, you said
with a quiet smile

At least one person will.

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