Thursday, June 20, 2024

I should write about something I guess...just, anything?

Yesterday I managed to finally do some Rhythm Quest work, long overdue.  This month's output in that regard has been pretty poor, and looks like it'll continue to be that way, unfortunately, but at least I got in one day of work.  That's not nothing.

Today could ostensibly have been another attempt at doing the same, but I got busy with other stuff.  Went to a tea place with the meowmies, that was a nice little outing, if a little bit further than we're comfortable with for an everyday sort of thing.  I might actually be back out there on Friday, have some errands to do in preparation for the weekend...

I started jamming a little bit of Hades (Hades 1) just because they've been playing a bunch.  I didn't really have anything to do so I decided to start trying 32 heat clears with every weapon aspect.  I've done 32 heat clears with every weapon already, but not with every aspect.  I started with Zagreus Sword (the first weapon).....big mistake.  Didn't even make it out of the first area of the game, lol.  I decided to change my strategy and start at the bottom of the list, and that went much better -- I now have clears for both Lucifer Rail (the laserbeam one) and Hestia Rail (the reload empowered shot one).  Next is Eris Rail which is also a really good aspect, so that one shouldn't be too bad at all.  Zagreus Rail will probably be harder.

ALTTPR mentor tournament is inching closer!  I've been trying my best to do prep work here and there for my session, but I'll probably need quite a bit more work to be put into that before I feel ready.  Guess it's sort of going to be a busy couple weeks....ish?  Maybe?

It's like, I mean, my motivation has been pretty low, though, so like....something had to give, right?

I wrote to Kiki again, for this year.  Writing that felt like it really solidified me returning back to what is supposed to be my normal self again.  Yeah, I'm still changed, as I always will be, but at least I'm back in my own skin.  I know how things are supposed to be.  What I'm supposed to be doing.  How I'm supposed to be trying to feel.

I dunno.  Yeah, I guess there are things to look forward to.  I should make sure to take care of myself and not put too much burden on my own shoulders.  Even with cooking, I think it's easy for me to just assume that I'm capable and excited to do the same amount that I'd always do when I'm healthy.  But I should temper my expectations a little bit and take it a little bit easy.  God forbid, maybe even ask for a little bit of help every now and then.

Happiness, that's a tough one.  I think happiness is going to have to take a backseat for now.  Right now, I think the primary goal is peace and comfort.  To feel like things are okay.  I know that part, at least, is within my grasp.  If I just remember, to drink my tea.  To take those breaths.  To get done what I need to, and no more or less.

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