Saturday, January 4, 2025

Carthago is down!

This one took a long time in in-game years as I was just slowly waiting for my prosperity to tick up after building all of the palaces.  I'm starting to get a better hang of how to be a little more efficient with the palace/villa blocks.  I used to always strive for 4x4 palaces but I'm finding that unless I have a lot of space and am willing to commit to for example building a colosseum or whatever, it's not super feasible to go for those and I'd be better served with 3x3s.  What I learned this time around is that I don't need as many large statues as I thought, in fact you can see in the screenshot that I didn't even put spaces between the houses as I normally do.  And I filled in some of the awkward gaps with 2x2 villas, as well.

The military was a little tough in this mission, particularly because I chose the "harder military" option when given the choice.  Other than that, things went okay, though I definitely had some facepalm moments here and there where I realized something that was supposed to be setup just, wasn't.  I ended up running into some labor shortages near the end and ended up with one more housing block than anticipated, but all worked out okay in the end.

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