Monday, April 6, 2020

Well, I guess it may be obvious from previous posts that my weekend was a little rough.  I can't say that everything was bad, because indeed, the reality is far from that.  It's good times mixed with hard feelings.  I'm still not back up to 100%, but there's nothing wrong with that.

As is my specialty, I've managed to get around to a bunch of things I've been meaning to do.

We made crostini with buttered french bread, prosciutto, brie, and pear slices (topped with a bit of basil, salt/pepper, and olive oil).  That was a great success, and a recipe that I'll definitely be doing again at some point.  Really yummy and simple!

I finished up the Andalite Chronicles trilogy.  Somehow it got stuck in my head such that my half-delirious dream-state thoughts ended up being about the Time Matrix and feeling stressed about trying to manipulate it or something.  I didn't really have a great night's sleep, probably in no small part due to the tea I drank before bed, oops.

This didn't happen this weekend, but I got around to making a big vat of chili oil!  Truth be told the flavors are actually nowhere as complex as the mala market chili oil that I also have (which is also infused with quite a heavy dose of sichuan peppercorn), but it does have a very nice fragrance and also packs a good amount of heat (more than the recipe intended, due to the mix of dried chilis I used).  I wouldn't really say this is that much more of an improvement over the "lazy version" I've done in the past.  If I did it again I think I would have tried to have a heavier hand with the spice infusing, especially for such a large quantity of oil.

Did a bunch of online clothes shopping for the first time in a while!

Filled out my taxes...

Am now more or less prepped for LD46 - did a bunch of tinkering around with my Godot Template, optimizing things and changing things up based on my experiences that I've had since.  Unfortunately it seems that the latest build of Godot + export templates (3.2.1) still doesn't really work for iOS builds for me (unless I'm just doing something wrong), but using the previous stable release for iOS exports specifically still works, so that's my solution for now.  I set up some other scripts here and there as well, so I'm pretty much set on the Godot side as far as I can tell.

We did a really big groceries run, so we should be set for the time being, though we might have to get some more food in another week and a half in preparation for Ludum Dare.  Will be doing some lesser-tried and/or newer recipes in the near future, like hong shao pork belly, maybe halal cart-style chicken, etc.

We did a thing at work!  Pretty big success and now I'm trying to take it a bit easier, especially now since I am still recovering emotionally from this weekend.

Continuing to work on poi here and there.  There's no shortage of things to work on.  Haven't gotten a chance to do a rando run in a while, but I'm pretty ok with that.  I'll be back at it soon probably.  I worked on my Corridors of Time remix the other day but haven't worked on it since, there just hasn't been a block of time where I've been both available, willing, and ready.

Life is....not easy.  It certainly is not easy.

I'm going to tell you this right now, that it is OK to run away sometimes.  It is ok to run away from conflict, to look the other way, to not do the right thing, and to instead do what is comfortable.  The last thing I would want to do is push someone else out of their comfort zone.  Why would I do that to myself as well?

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