Friday, July 14, 2023

Hmm, it's going alright, actually.  Made it through the was a good day too, although of course there's still a little bit more to accomplish (tomorrow, hopefully).

Let's start with the keyboard stuff.  I still haven't fine-tuned my stabilizers yet (I'll get around to it...), but after a while with the gateron red linear switches, I decided that I did miss the sound of the heavy tactile U4Txs, so I went ahead and swapped them out again, also adding a layer of thin foam inside the keyboard to bring down the sound pitch (ish) a little bit.  I got a new typing record immediately after switching back to those, so I guess I know which ones my fingers want to cast their vote for.

I tried opening up one of the U4Txs and lubing them -- legs included, even though it reduces the amount of tactility, because my main concern with them is actually that they're a little bit too heavy for me, a bit tiring on my fingers after a while (though I seem to have either broken them in a bit or adjusted to using them).  Lubing one of them did improve the sound very slightly, and also smoothen the feel / reduce the force needed slightly, so that is another option.

Of course since I guess this is one of =those= types of hobbies, I went ahead and ordered a set of SP Star Magics to try.  I was conflicted for a while as to what I wanted to try, but I settled on these, I'm very curious to see how I'll like them.

Rhythm Quest work has actually gone kind of well, I did quite a lot of work earlier this week on Tuesday; just need to spend some time tomorrow writing up a devlog and getting a new build out and such.

Somewhat unexpectedly, I decided to upgrade my system from Windows Server 2016 to Server 2022 (after a backup).  There were a few minor hiccups to resolve after the update, but overall things went okay.  It seems to handle the scaling of apps a little bit better (or at least offer more options for fixing it), as well as the relative mouse motion across different monitors, so that's a plus.  One ugly thing is that the transparency effects for the taskbar/other UI elements seem to randomly flicker sometimes, so I had to turn those off.  I also lost a whole bunch of time because I saw that windows anti-malware service was hogging my disk usage an ungodly amount through the entire day and appeared to be doing a complete scan of my disk despite purportedly not doing so in the UI.  I tried a bunch of stuff trying to debug that, but eventually it must have just finished going through all of my files since it seems to have resolved.  Maybe just some thing where windows wanted to do a full scan or something or other, maybe related to the OS upgrade.  Well, all's well that ends well.

My ALTTPR mentee is on a little bit of a break, so I haven't done too much ALTTPR lately, though I have a number of additional educational videos that I'd still like to make, plus just playing is fun.

It'll be really nice to sleep in tomorrow, the whole waking up early thing is just really not working out for me lately.  But yeah, despite that, today was a fine day, I got some work done, am happy with my keyboard stuff, did vacuuming, and even grocery shopping.  I love shopping for groceries most of the time, so many possibilities!  After cooking a lot of meals back-to-back I had taken a little bit of a step back, but going to do groceries really just put the spring back into my step as far as that went, just so many different meals to get excited about.  There's a bunch that I didn't even end up getting ingredients for that I still want to do...ah, well, there's always next time.

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