Tuesday, March 14, 2023

There's quite a bit to talk about, I feel like.  I took my annual playthrough of the game "Journey" yesterday, but unfortunately I'm short on time so the write-up on that will have to come some other time.

I did want to write that it seems somehow that life is pushing me toward "living in the moment".  Encouraging me, not necessarily to "take a chance", but more like, accepting things that may be transient, and enjoying and appreciating them while I am able to, rather than pining over things lost, or losing faith that things will not last.

I'm not really sure how I feel about it, to be honest.  Of course, being "present-minded" is a good thing, it is how we are able to truly enjoy and experience life without so many of the fears, attachments, and expectations that are commonplace to us.  But those very fears and attachments are also important to me as well.  Just because they hinder "living in the moment" does not make them useless to me.

And as always, I of course worry that it will change who I am too drastically, if I start to "live in the moment" too much.  This is because I believe and know, that what I choose to do affects who I am.  It is for that same reason that it has been important to me to find a dancing style for myself that I am happy with.  Because the way that I dance, can slowly affect how I am as a person, just as the way that I speak to others, or choose not to speak, also affects how I am as a person.

Yet another new thread of fate lingers in the air in front of me.  It's up to me whether I choose to reach out for it, only to have it snatched away from me again, or whether I choose to simply watch it drift in the wind.  "You already have so many scars from tripping and falling," life seems to be telling me. "Do you really have to try so hard to reach all of them?"  I'm not really sure anymore, really not sure.

Is it more sad to go back to where you once were and find out that nothing is left for you?  Or is it sadder to never go back at all?  Why is it that I get so easily attached to places that are empty?  Why do I feel such strong connections to relationships from my past that I know were not deep at all?

What I will write about my Journey playthrough for now, is that before I even started it, as I went to start the new game, I was told on the screen, "Current progress will be lost.  Are you sure?"

I really wasn't sure.  Why would I want to lose my current progress?  It was a silly thing to get hung up over, of course.  It was just restarting a video game, one that I was literally intending on playing through again, and the "progress" that I would lose was just some test playing that I was doing the night before.

But it still gave me pause.  "Current progress will be lost."

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