Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Things are still alright.  I have a weird lack of excitement and motivation, maybe I need a dopamine break or something...but other than that, things are still good.

I started doing some kitchen reorganization, which feels great as I've been thinking of tackling that for some time.  Doesn't hurt that I get to buy some new organization supplies and such.  Snapped off some keycaps that I had been eying for a while while I was at it...

Recovery for my knee pain is going just fine, it seems like, I'm feeling pretty confident and optimistic about it at this rate, so that's real nice.  I played on a DDR machine for the first time in quite a long time the other day, it actually felt nice!  For most of my earlier DDR career I was just on soft pads and never got the hang of playing on a metal pad or machine, but now since I'm playing on my two metal pads mostly, it felt like a natural progression.  They feel a little bit different - the raised platforms make it a little interesting to feel out exactly where to aim for, but the tactile feedback is really there in a way that it isn't for my pads at home.  It's interesting.

Went to Golfland for the first time in ages, though this time it was at a different location than my usual place.  I didn't do 3 under par for the second side, but I went back and dug up my old scorecards and my performance is definitely a bit shabby compared to those.  In my defense, the alternate course setup had some tricky hurdles that it threw at you -- deceptively sloped floors in various places.  Overall I think my hometown Golfland is better, but I did appreciate a few things about this one.

I haven't been to tea in a while, hopefully I can make it out tomorrow.  Perhaps I can try to get some nice productive hours in while I am there, too.  Maybe?  I have been losing some hours recently due to the sort of funk that I've been in.

Chicky seems to be doing ok!  She's got another checkup later this week, but I don't expect any bad news to come of it.  Good chicky.

I reworked my skincare routine, to pretty great effect...I had been thinking about trying to figure out some better skincare practices for myself and I think I've made some positive changes in that regard.  I have oily skin but the cleanser I was using was apparently just way too harsh and was exacerbating the problem.  I'm trying to keep things simple and using just a light oil-based cleanser now and it's been working a lot better for me.  I use a hydraluric acid thingy as well (and sunscreen when I go out), but for now I'll just keep things at this before trying to mess with it more.

I'm really thankful for some of the times I've been able to connect with people lately.  It's sad to think of how much I wanted these sort of relations and how hopelessly far I was from having them earlier in my life, but I feel grateful that I am here now and able to look back upon the long road that I have somehow traveled along the way.

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