Saturday, January 19, 2019

Things have been going pretty well these days.

I watched both "Enter the Spider Verse" and "Liz and the Blue Bird", both of which were very, very good in quite different ways.  Liz and the Blue Bird was amazing really, it made me recall some really strong feelings and really think about some things a lot, and also was just incredibly beautiful, with an interesting note of complexity as well.  I really loved it, it was so good.

I've been finally making some good progress in Flinthook!  This is definitely a game that rewards practice and skill, and it's impressive how much more proficient I've gotten at combat as well as swinging around using the hook.  I think I still need to be more liberal in my use of time slow, but I've definitely gotten better at navigating around obstacles.  Though, sometimes it still is very tricky!  So it's an interesting balance.  Jumping and swinging around using the hook felt almost a little too fast-paced and/or difficult at first, but over time started to feel much more manageable.  So that's interesting.

My Journey dress is ready for VBall!  I've added 64 new cutouts that are now on the sleeves, as well as some more rings of bias tape (yes, more more more bias tape).  This is tentatively going to be the final iteration of the costume unless I can think of something more to do with it, so that is pretty exciting.  Will have to get some more photos of the new additions and the entire costume.  I'm excited to go and wear it again!

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