Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I'm trying...this'll be a short one since it's already past my bedtime.

Played a casual boots seed in ALTTPR and was pretty unhappy with my play / performance.  But there's like, not that much to do about it other than just keep at it and hope to keep learning very slowly from experience, right?

I do think that it's both that, but also a mindset thing, like I don't feel like my mental state was in the right place when I was running the seed this time, it felt like I pressured myself into making decision and that's just not how I ought to be doing things, at least not if I want to make sure I'm happy with my own play.  I guess it's similar to the stuff I wrote about performing / contests at VBall or whatever, but also a little different because it's not like I'm being evaluated by an audience (well, until I'm on restream, which actually will happen in a few months, at least for one time).

I do also feel like I've lost some of the "flowcharting" that I have tended to fall back on and rely upon in my previous rando experience; perhaps I need to make sure I'm firming up my mental framework and heuristics for approaching the game to make sure there are less big decisions that I'm sort of just winging on the fly.

I forgot to mention this last time but I played DDR the other day and I can sloooowwwwwlyy actually feel my foot speed increasing when it comes to approaching 16th strings.  It's very slight but somewhat noticeable, but that's cool, I mean I usually don't think of improvement DDR in terms of pure speed, for me it's usually mostly a stamina thing and then secondly a chart processing / technique thing, but generally I'm not used to playing charts where footspeed is really a factor (I guess that also comes from the charts that I'm used to...back in the eurobeat era when 16ths just weren't really much of a thing since the tempos were already higher).

I started to put together a setlist for my potential dance event!  Due to space reservations ending at probably like 10PM (?) it looks like I'm going to have to choose between hosting a lesson and then doing a 2-hour setlist or just deciding that I don't want to teach until JaSmix and doing just a 3-hour set by itself.  I have a lesson concept in mind but of course it takes real work to actually put something together, we'll see if that ends up materializing.  I've not really done 2-hour events so that would be an interesting little twist on making a playlist, admittedly.  It feels so short...

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