Tuesday, June 16, 2020

I'll probably just split the BLM stuff into separate posts.  That one will come a bit later, I guess.

As far as other stuff goes...

I had quite a number of conversations with friends in the past week, which was nice.  Seems that there has been a lot of stress going around lately...which I guess is understandable.  People probably feel like there is a lot going on, because, I guess, there is.  But as always I do my best to keep plowing forward at a slow pace.  Always.

I started playing A Mortician's Tale, a narrative "death positive" game where you play as a mortician running a funeral home.  I approached this game with a bit of trepidation, as I wasn't too sure how well the "mechanics" would fare and it has gotten some mixed reviews.  It seems to be on the shorter side, so I imagine I'll finish it soon enough.  So far I would say that even if the game isn't perfect, it has its heart in the right place, so to speak.  It feels a little rough around the edges, but I think it does hit the notes that it's trying to hit, at least for me.  If nothing else, it seeks to make you think a little more about something that is usually not spoken about, which I think is always a good thing.

I did another Link to the Past / Super Metroid crossover rando run, just for fun!  I was feeling not so well yesterday, so I gave myself a break and just chilled out.  I didn't do half bad, even despite being rusty in SM and messing up a bunch of stuff.

This week seems to be a little bit more experimental as far as cooking goes; I don't have many of my fallback staple dishes planned, and instead have tried to figure out how to work with some ingredients that I'm perhaps not as comfortable with.  I'm sure it will be to mixed success, but well, that's kind of the idea, isn't it?  You take the things that work and then continue to do them.  Just like everything else in life.

I've been slacking a bit on letters, but I checked and it looks like I have a good handful to work on in the coming month or two, so like all things important, that will be coming back to me...

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