Thursday, April 7, 2022

Somehow, even though I get better at making games, it never feels easier.  We made it out of Ludum Dare 50 alive, and with a cute little game on our hands, despite my usual (?) burst of despair on Saturday night-ish.

The rest of this month is probably going to be pretty lax for me as I'm taking a trip and such, but I'll of course still try and get things done here and there.

I definitely feel the extra weight that I've been putting on, and can really notice the difference in my eating habits as well.  I guess something just sort of changed in the way my body can handle food, perhaps.

Still solo queuing in Unite a bunch, but it's stayed surprisingly fresh/entertaining.  I had some really nice plays as Absol recently, feels like I've really gotten the hang of the moveset and am starting to actually see moments where I outplay people with good mechanics.  I'm getting a little bit of a better sense of macro game, but...honestly there's only so much you can do in that department when you have a wholly uncoordinated group of randoms.

I've been sleeping with Shia the past few days and I actually feel like it's been helping me sleep better.  I know it's just a coincidence, but I saw Kiki while I was sleeping last night too...not in a way that made me sad, but in a way that made me feel happy.

Not really sure if there's anything else, really.  The weather is getting a lot warmer, which makes the outdoors ruthless during the day and really pleasant at night.  Summer nights carry more meaning for me than they did when I was growing up; I have much more positive associations with them.  It's never too soon to start counting down the days until fall again though, ha ha.

I ended up getting my M rank for TAP Carnival of Death...only a 5xx, but still an M regardless, so that's at least something.

I guess I'm feeling pretty hopeful about things.  On the one hand I can't wait to just shove work aside and just relax and play, but on the other hand, there are things that I'm cautiously excited to work on as well.  Things should be just fine.  Hopefully my chickies will fare okay without me for a while...

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